Ane Tonga | Ricketts Kupe Leadership Scholar
After six years of living in four different cities in Aotearoa the lack of Maori and Pacific people in leadership roles within the Galleries Libraries Arts and Museum (GLAM) sector became very clear to me. My education and professional career has been and will be dedicated to helping to rectify this. Museums and art institutions are bound to honour the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. I am also committed to Te Tiriti principles, plus drawing on the notions of kaitiakitanga and manaakitanga, as part of my curatorial ethos. Bringing these indigenous concepts into the top level of organisations has the potential to create stronger institutions which can better serve their communities.
Sponsor: Fran Ricketts & Geoff Ricketts CNZM
Mentor: Dr Jenny Harper MNZM, art consultant and former Director of the Christchurch Art Gallery