Ariana Hond | McCall MacBain Kupe Leadership Scholar

Ariana (Taranaki, Ngāti Rangiwewehi (Te Arawa), Ngāi Te Rangi)

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Psychology

Growing up in a Pākehā-dominated environment, I found it difficult to understand what it meant to be Māori and how that impacted my sense of self. My studies have given me a chance to start renewing my connection to te ao Māori, deepen my understanding beyond my own experiences, and become more aware of systemic issues in our society. I still struggle with feeling 'not Māori enough', questioning my right to be in certain spaces, but I hope to support others in navigating their identities and sense of place while I continue to navigate mine. 

I aspire to be a leader who works collaboratively with an open mind and empathetic nature. I am determined to expand the ways clinicians work with communities, particularly vulnerable ones, focused on humanising people, taking a strengths-based approach to support, and advocating for rehabilitation over punishment.

I am in the infancy of developing my understanding and [re]connection with te ao Māori, but I know our ancestors walk with us as we navigate our journey through the interwoven past, present and future. 

Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamua.

Sponsor: McCall MacBain Foundation

Mentor: Dr Makarena Dudley (Te Rarawa, Te Aupōuri, Ngāti Kahu) Clinical Neuropsychologist and Senior Lecturer at the University of Auckland. Makarena has worked as a clinician for 20 years and is involved in a number of research projects investigating Māori and mate wareware (dementia). Makarena is passionate about working with kaumātua/pakeke (elders) to help minimise the impact of mate wareware in a bourgeoning older population.