Julia Büdler | Wright Family Kupe Leadership Scholar

Master of Arts - Politics and International Relations

I ōrea te tuātara ka patu ki waho.

If politics can indeed be understood as ‘who gets what, when and how’, the immense challenge of making those three, seemingly simple, decisions calls for exceptional leadership. Thoughtful engagement with how to develop innovative, transformative and working solutions to the complex policy problems faced by Aotearoa, and the world, is needed more than ever.

My Masters thesis contributes to an MBIE project developing a New Zealand adapted deliberative democratic approach with a particular focus on decision-making around complex, science-related issues such as those involving new life science technologies, the environment and AI. 

I am passionate about contributing to the development of a more sustainable, connected and purpose driven world; a world better served, better lead, better governed. I hope to champion these causes through my work, and life, so as to further the collective effort to build an equitable and sustainable future for Aotearoa.

Sponsor: Wright Family Foundation

Mentor: Nikki Kaye, former Deputy Leader of National Party and Member of Parliament, 12 years representing Auckland Central. Responsible for portfolios of Youth Affairs, ACC, Food Safety, Civil Defence, and Associate Minister of Education and Immigration.