Beth Schuck | Feigin Kupe Leadership Scholar
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Engineering Science
Climate change is a major issue facing New Zealand and the world and is calling for leadership. New Zealand is primed to set a global standard addressing emissions, and preparing for climate change, but has not seized this opportunity yet. I believe young professionals in STEM have an opportunity to push for their future by redirecting academic and commercial efforts towards addressing climate change.
I am pursuing a career in engineering because I believe it has the potential to shape the future and significantly impact the lives of everyone in New Zealand. Currently, my work involves exploring emissions from transport, and looking at potential roads for reduction. This work has let me step into the work of climate change mitigation, and I am passionate about continuing along this path.
Sponsor: Stuart Feigin
Mentor: Sir Peter Gluckman, ONZM KNZM FRSNZ, Director, Koi Tū: the Centre for Informed Futures, inaugural Chief Science Advisor to Government, founder of the Liggins Institute, paedeatrician and biomedical scientist.